

The company is located in Arta, one of the most fertile areas in Epirus, and it cultivates kiwifruit, oranges and mandarins in its own private area of 15 hectares.

About the Company

The company Kolios Group SA was established as a sole trader by Ioannis Kolios in 1956.

Initially, the company produced and sourced fruit, especially citrus fruits, which were sold wholesale on the Greek market. Since 1979, this has gradually changed into a wholesale export business, selling to more than over 10 countries. In 1984 the founder’s sons began to be actively involved in the daily activities of the company. With the knowledge they had gained and their specifically targeted actions, they succeeded in leading Kolios Group SA and its worldwide exports of kiwifruit and citrus fruits.

The company today

Today, due to the continuous investments we have made, Kolios Group SA is a dynamically developing company. The conditions and requirements of the market led the company to specialise further in the distribution of kiwifruit. The investments we made ensured that our kiwifruits were packaged better, with an emphasis on health and hygiene requirements, as well as the speed of the company's production line. Meanwhile, Kolios Group SA acquired and cultivates more than 12 hectares of kiwifruit, which increased the potential growth of the company. The company is located in Arta, in the fertile region of Epirus in Greece, which produces excellent kiwis and citrus fruits.

We will be happy to work with you!

Kolios Group SΑ is involved in the Marketing and Export of Fruit. Its headquarters is in Arta and it has developed a very large export network in Europe, the Middle East and China.

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