Kolios Α.Ε. markets the Hayward and Soreli varieties of kiwifruit.
Our Kiwifruit
KOLIOS GROUP sells kiwifruit of the Hayward και Soreli. varieties. The Hayward variety of kiwifruit has green flesh and belongs to the species Actinidia deliciosa. The Hayward variety was created in 1920 in New Zealand, and began to be exported in 1930. Soreli is a variety of Actinidia chinensis and has yellow flesh. The main characteristics of Soreli are its brightly coloured yellow flesh, glowing bronze skin and sweeter taste. We grow, pick and pack our kiwifruit and export it to the international market.
Main packages::
- Loose in 10 kg carton 40*30*19
- 1 kg carton punnet 60*40*14
- 3 kg carton container 50*30* 9
- Flow Pack
- 5 kg Container
- Loose 6 kg
Products are packaged in accordance with the customer’s wishes and in accordance with all the requirements of ISO – HASCCP, GLOBAL GAP, FSSC 22000, GS1 Standards